Majors & Minor
B.S. Physics
The Physics Major is a 4-year program with a strong emphasis on fundamental physics concepts and hands-on experience in state-of-the-art teaching laboratories. Students will learn how to analyze complex problems and will gain a strong quantitative background that can be applied in any technical field. Our graduates follow a wide range of career tracks, including graduate studies in physics and engineering, direct entry into the technology sector, and other careers that benefit from sharp analytical and problem solving skills.
Physics B.S. majors are required to complete coursework in physics as well as co-requisite coursework in mathematics and an additional approved science.
Among these courses, the following are required
- PHYS2200 (or PHYS2100*) & PHYS2050 Introductory Physics I with Lab
- PHYS2201 (or PHYS2101*) & PHYS2051 Introductory Physics II with Lab
- PHYS3100 Vibrations and Waves with Lab
- PHYS3300 Intro to Modern Physics
- PHYS4100 Mechanics
- PHYS4200 Electricity and Magnetism
- PHYS4400 Quantum Physics I
- PHYS4401 Quantum Physics II
- PHYS4600 Statistical Mechanics & Thermodynamics
* Physics majors are strongly recommended to take the PHYS2200-2201 sequence. PHYS2100-2101 is typically for Biology, Pre-med, and students fulfilling science requirements.
Choose one of the following
- PHYS4300 Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing
- PHYS4350 Experiments in Physics
- PHYS4951 Senior Thesis*
* PHYS4300 cannot be used to satisfy both this requirement and the computation requirement
* Senior Thesis is recommended for students planning graduate work in Physics.
Choose at least two elective courses (course offerings vary from year to year)
- PHYS4407 Optical Spectroscopy
- PHYS4515 Physics of Conventional and Alternative Energy
- PHYS4545 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics
- PHYS5520 Biophysics
- PHYS5540 General Relativity
- PHYS5550 Applied Optics
- MATH4440 Dynamical Systems
The following courses are required
- PHYS4500 Applied Math for Physical Scientists (or MATH2210 Linear Algebra and MATH4410 Diff. Eq.)
- MATH2202 Multivariable Calculus
- One Computer Science Course from the following:
- Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing PHYS4300
- Intro. to Scientific Computation CSCI2227
- Computer Organization and Lab CSCI2272
- Visualization CSCI331
- Data Science: Methods and Applications CSCI2291
- Deep Learning CSCI3370
Students without advanced math placement will need to take introductory calculus courses, such as MATH1103 or MATH1105, that are prerequisites for MATH2202.
Choose two additional science courses with lab
- CHEM1109 & 1111 General Chemistry I with Lab
- CHEM1110 & 1112 General Chemistry II with Lab
Advanced undergraduate Physics majors may, with departmental approval, enroll in first-year graduate courses, such as PHYS7711, 7732, or 7741.
Year | Fall | Spring |
First |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
* Students planning to take PHYS4300 need to take CSCI2227 Introduction to Scientific Computation in preparation for this course. ** Students need prior approval from a faculty mentor. |
B.S. Applied Physics
The Applied Physics major provides a flexible platform for students to combine a strong interest in the concepts and analytical tools of physics with the any one of the varied applications of those tools to societal problems. In consultation with our Undergraduate Program Director, students will tailor an interdisciplinary program of study to focus on topical areas such as quantum computation, materials science, energy and the environment, biophysics, mathematical physics, financial modeling, and more. The curriculum will culminate in a research project with a physics faculty member, or jointly supervised by faculty members from multiple departments. This track is recommended for students planning to enter the workforce after graduation rather than applying to graduate school in physics or related disciplines.
Requirements for the Applied Physics major.
Course | Credits |
Introductory Physics I & II PHYS2200/1 + labs PHYS2050/1 | 10 |
Vibrations & Waves PHYS3100 | 4 |
Modern Physics PHYS3300 | 4 |
One Computer Science Course from the following:
| 3 |
Survey of Applied Physics PHYS4700 | 3 |
Advanced Physics Courses (2 of 5): Classical Mechanics PHYS4100 Electricity & Magnetism PHYS4200 Quantum Mechanics I PHYS4400 Quantum Mechanics II PHYS4401 (QM I prerequisite) Statistical Physics PHYS4600 | 6 to 8 |
Electives a (3 courses) Physics 4000 level or above, may include courses from Advanced Physics Course list above | 9 to12 |
Applied Physics Capstone Project PHYS4950 | 3 |
Two introductory science courses b outside of physics c | 6 to 8 |
Mathematics Multivariable Calculus d MATH2202 Applied Math for Physical Scientists e PHYS4500 | 8 |
Total | 60 + |
- a One elective course from another department is possible and encouraged, with department approval.
- b Introductory courses required for the particular major(s), e.g., General Chemistry I&II plus labs or Computer Science I & II
- c A variety of introductory STEM and social science courses are possible with departmental approval
- d Students must have taken Calculus I & II or have equivalent AP credit.
- e Students may replace with both Linear Algebra MATH2210 and Differential Equations MATH4410
Typical sequence for a student with AP credit for Calculus I.
Year | Fall | Spring |
First |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Possible elective courses inside the Department of Physics
Course Number | Course |
PHYS4300 | Numerical Methods & Scientific Computing |
PHYS4407 | Optical Spectroscopy of 2 Dimensional Systems |
PHYS4515 | Physics of Conventional and Alternative Energy |
PHYS4545 | Condensed Matter Physics |
PHYS4595 | Intro. To Quantum Computing |
PHYS4535 | Nanoscale Integrated Science |
PHYS5110 | Biophysics |
Possible elective courses outside the Department of Physics
Course Number | Course | Listed Prerequisites |
BIOL3090 | Microbiology | |
BIOL4090 | Virology | |
BIOL4540 | Neuroscience | |
CHEM4475 | Physical Chemistry | PHYS2200/1, MATH2202 |
CSCI2271 | Computer Systems | CSCI1102 |
CSCI2291 | Intro. to Data Science | |
CSCI3340 | Intro. to Machine Learning w/Applications | CSCI1102 |
EESC3350 | Alternative Energy | |
EESC3391 | Introduction to Geophysics | |
MATH4470 | Mathematical Modeling | MATH2202, MATH2210 |
PSYC2285 | Behavioral Neuroscience | |
PSYC4472 | fMRI | |
ECON2228 | Econometric Methods | |
ECON2229 | Economic and Business Forecasting |
Physics Minor
The minimum requirements for a minor in physics include the following courses:
- The following introductory courses:
- PHYS2200, PHYS2201 and accompanying labs PHYS2050 and PHYS2051.
- The following intermediate level courses:
- PHYS3100 and PHYS3300.
- Two upper-level courses (PHYS4000 and above) of 3 or more credits each.
Many of these courses have prerequisites. Students are advised to consult with the Undergraduate Program Director ( when selecting these courses.
Substitutions: PHYS2100 and PHYS2101 may be substituted for PHYS2200 and PHYS2201, respectively, but the latter are preferred. Students must consult with the Undergraduate Program Director if they wish to substitute other equivalent courses for required courses or the corequisites.
Corequisites: MATH1102 and MATH1103 are required. MATH2202 may be required as a prerequisite for some of the upper-level physics courses. Students should consult with the Undergraduate Program Director to determine whether they will need to take these additional mathematics courses.